Daily Skincare Routine

Hair Care Tips to Maintain Healthy Hairs

Hair Care Tips FOR Healthy Hairs

Hair care tips for healthy hairs. There are small daily things  for instance, bad diet, heat damage, improper towel drying, and over washing, that cause hair damage and weakens your hairs. But don’t let these things stress you out because we’re here with you with some great hair care tips to maintain healthy hairs. Daily Hair-care is your ultimate trump card to get Healthy and long hairs. Here in this article, we are going to share some Haircare tips with you. As a result, you can make your hairs beautiful, healthy, and smooth.

Here are some of our best Hair Care Tips to Maintain Healthy Hairs:

1. Wash your Hairs regularly:

Hair care - Wash Regularly

Regular washing of your hair is the most important hair care tips that everyone must follow. Regularly washing your hair makes your hairs and scalp dust free and it also removes excess oil from your hairs. However, the exact frequency depends on the type of your hair. If you have dry hair then it is better to wash your hair twice a week. If your hairs are oily, you can wash your hair on alternate days.

Avoid Washing your hairs daily:

Some people wash their hair daily, but you must avoid daily washing your hair. Daily hair wash may result in dull hairs and dry scalp. It also causes hair damage, dandruff, and split ends.

2. Regular Oil massage:

Now the second Hair care tip is regular oil massage of your hairs and scalp. Regular oil massage is beneficial both for your hairs as well as for your scalp. Oil massage is the oldest remedy for the softness and shine of your hair.

Massaging improves the blood circulation on the scalp, relaxes your muscles, and helps in shining and nourishing your hairs. It also reduces the problems of dandruff and split ends. For oil massage, you can choose from olive oil, castor oil, almond oil, or coconut oil. But you must avoid using mineral oil on your hair.

TIP: You can also apply warm oil, (once in a while) and wrap your head in a towel and let the oil do its work. Leave it at least for an hour before washing it. You can also leave it overnight for better conditioning of your hairs.


3. Deal Carefully With Wet Hairs:

Now the most common mistakes that most people do:

i. Comb wet hairs
ii. Using a Hairdryer
iii. Harsh rubbing with a towel

If you want healthy hair, then you must avoid all these common mistakes. Firstly, wet hairs are very fragile, and they break easily. So you must deal with your hairs carefully when they are wet.

  1. -Do Not Brush Wet Hairs:

Now the first thing you must take care of hair care is to not comb wet hairs. Wet hairs are three times weaker and fragile. Brushing wet hair increases the chances of hair damage and hair fall. Brushing wet hairs may lead to major breakage, so you must always brush dry hairs. (Visit Homepage)

  1. -Dry Your Hairs Naturally:

Brushed Hair

We know that blow-drying makes your hairs beautiful. But you must also know that excessive heat may damage your hair scalp. Always avoid heating your hairs unnecessarily. Heat strips the moisture from your hairs and makes them dry and frizzy. Also, overusing hair dryers can burn your hairs.

Tip: Use straighteners and Hairdryers only on occasions (if necessary), and always remember to use hair protectant. Even if you are using blow-drying occasionally, you must use it at the lowest heat level of your dryer. Never use it at the highest level. It may take a little longer to dry, but keeping your hair healthy is more important.

  1. -Avoid Harsh rubbing of your hairs with a towel:

As we told you, your hairs are in the most fragile state when they are wet. At this point rubbing them harshly with a towel can cause long-term hair damage. You must be gentle while rubbing your hair with a towel, especially when they are wet.

4. Use Chemical Free Shampoos:

There are a lot of factors of hair damage, some of them are under our control, while some of them are not. For example,what kind of shampoo you use is one of the factors under your control. There is a simple equation for choosing a shampoo for your hair. The lesser the number of chemicals in your shampoo, the healthier your hair will be. Always choose chemical-free and gentle shampoos for your hairs. Sulfates and parabens are the most commonly used chemical in shampoos. These chemicals are used for lathering and preserving, but they can cause skin irritation and other allergies. To prevent your skin and hairs from such allergies, you must always use chemical-free shampoos and conditioners.

5. Don’t Wash your Hairs with Hot Water:

Now another great Hair care tip to maintain healthy hairs is to avoid washing your hairs with hot or warm water. It will strip natural moisture from your hairs and scalp, which results in dry and frizzy hairs.

When washing your hair, always prefer cold water over hot water. Cold does not exactly mean very cold, but you can use water at room temperature. If the water is too hot, it can damage your hair and leads to hair fall. Ayurveda also suggests washing your hairs with lukewarm or cold water to keep your hairs and scalp hydrated.

6. Healthy Diet:

A healthy diet is one of the amazing hair care tips that sometimes wonder some people. But the truth is, diet affects the health of your hair. Most importantly, certain nutrients like proteins, vitamins, iron are essential for the health and growth of your hairs. Nuts, berries, green leafy vegetables, eggs, sweet potatoes are some of the great foods which are healthy for your hairs. Your hairs need nutrition to grow well and maintain itself. Additionally, you should also drink more water to keep your hair healthy. Lastly, drinking at least 3 liters of water daily ensures good health of your hairs.

Common dos and don’ts for Healthy Hairs:

-Hair-care do’s:

  • i. Regular Conditioning of your hairs
  • ii. Protection before going to pool
  • iii. Trim your hairs regularly
  • iv. Always use a Wide-tooth comb
  • v. Choose Satin Pillow covers
  • vi. Get enough sleep
  • vii. Use Natural Hair Products

-Hair-care Don’ts:

  • i. Tight Hair Ties
  • ii. Using too many products
  • iii. Stress and less sleep
  • iv. Hairstyling products
  • v. Overexposure to sunlight
  • vi. Over-brushing your hairs

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