Daily Skincare Routine

Learn How to Remove Sun Tan: Highly Effective Home Remedies

How to remove sun tan from face

Nowadays, we all are getting heavily exposed to ultraviolet rays from sunlight which makes our skin dark and causes tan. After getting a suntan, it is not easy to get our skin back to a normal stage. But always keep patience because, with care and prevention, it can be done. Instead of spending money on expensive cosmetic products try some effective and learn how to remove sun tan from face. And the best part is that all of the ingredients that are required to remove tan from your skin naturally are available in your kitchen. These ingredients will lighten the suntan and give you attractive and glowing skin.

How to remove sun tan from face

How to remove Tan from Face

If you want to de-tan your face and want to get your original skin tone back then you are at the right place. Here I am going to share with you a very simple, natural, and highly effective way that works like a magic on your skin. However, no De-tan or fairness cream can ever give you the result that you will get with this homemade mask. Most of the companies use one or two natural ingredients and along with them, they add multiple harsh chemicals. So do not waste your money on such creams and always stick to natural ways to remove tan.

Home Remedy #1: Naturally De-Tan your skin with a homemade Face mask.


i. Gram Flour: Gram Flour (Besan) has been used for detaining and brightening the skin tone for years. It has super cleansing properties and it helps you to get the best glow on your face.
ii. Curd: Curd is enriched with lactic acid. Curd is a natural bleaching agent to fight sun tan quickly.
iii. Turmeric: Turmeric is known for its anti-aging properties. Turmeric has a great quality, that it repairs the damaged skin and lightens the skin tone.
iv. Honey: Honey can open up the pores and unclog them off the dead skin cells. Honey is full of antioxidants, and it is also a natural moisturizer. It gives a glow to your skin.
v. Sandalwood powder: The natural oils present in pure sandalwood powder (Chandan) are very effective to get rid of suntan.
vi. Rosewater: Rosewater has various astringent properties. It helps in cleaning the pores and tones the skin.

How to make:

Start with taking 1 tablespoon of gram flour (besan) in a bowl. Mix one tablespoon of curd in it (prefer homemade curd). The next ingredient that you have to add is a pinch of turmeric and now add one teaspoon of honey to it. Then add a half teaspoon of pure sandalwood powder. Last but not the least, add one tablespoon of rose water just to make it a paste. Once you have put all the ingredients in the bowl, mix them thoroughly to make a smooth paste.

Your magical Face Pack is ready.

How to apply:

Apply the paste on your face using clean hands. While applying the paste, gently massage with your fingers in a circular motion. Now let the mask do its work for about 25 to 30 minutes and then wash it off using normal tap water. In just one wash, you will see a significant reduction in tanning.

Some other remedies to remove sun tan from face:

Remedy #2: Yogurt and Gram Flour:

Paste of Yogurt and gram flour is very effective for tan removal at home. To make a paste of it, take some yogurt and add one spoon of gram flour to it. Apply this paste all over your body 20 minutes before taking shower. Lactic acid-rich curd will hydrate your skin and cool off sunburn and gram flour will gently exfoliate your skin. You can apply this daily for at least two weeks to get natural and glowing skin.

Remedy #3: Raw Papaya:

Papaya helps in improving your skin texture and makes it more even. It also helps in getting rid of pigmentation; it removes sunspots and unclogs the open pores. To get all these benefits of papaya, just scoop out the pulp, mash it and apply it on your face, legs, and hands. You can also blend it to make a tan removal pack at home.

How to remove sun tan from the skin:

How to remove sun tan from skin

Our skin becomes dull and damaged during summers due to harmful sun rays. All these harmful rays cause skin tanning, and to get rid of this tanning we will use homemade tan removal scrub. I am here to help you to remove sun tan from the skin naturally. Also, all the ingredients used in this home remedy are easily available at home.

Home Remedy #4: Homemade Tan removal scrub:


i. Potato: Potato juice acts as anti-ageing, it helps in reducing fine lines, and wrinkles. Along with this it also helps in reducing dark spots from our skin.
ii. Lemon: Lemon juice helps in reducing tanning, also it helps in reducing blackheads and whiteheads.
iii. Honey: Honey helps open up the pores and unclog the dead skin cells; it also makes our skin soft and glowing.
iv. Red Lentil Dal Paste: Red lentil dal works as a good exfoliator on our skin. It helps in removing dead skin cells and tanning from our skin.
v. Aloe Vera gel: Aloe Vera gel will help in loosening dead skin cells.

How to make Red lentil dal paste?

If you don’t know how to make a paste of red lentil dal, no need to worry, I will help you. First of all, Soak red lentil dal for 3-4 hours and then use a grinder to make a paste of it.

How to make:

Take 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 spoon water in a bowl and dilute it. Now add 2 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoon potato juice to the bowl. Now mix it well and then add 2 teaspoons red lentil dal paste. After mixing it well your tan removal scrub is ready.

How to apply:

Firstly, apply a thick layer of aloe Vera gel all over the affected skin (wherever you have tanned skin). Aloe Vera gel will help in loosening dead skin cells from your body and when we apply this homemade pack it will remove all dead skin cells and tanning from your skin. (Tip: Don’t apply aloe Vera gel in a rubbing way; instead apply it in a tapping motion.) Now, wait for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes take our homemade tan removal scrub and spread it between your fingers. Now apply it all over your face or on your tanned skin and massage gently (massage only in a circular motion). You can also apply this pack to your neck, hands, and feet. After massaging, wait for five minutes, and then take a bath or wash your face and hands with normal water.

Follow this remedy at least thrice a week. This homemade tan removal scrub suits all skin types. 

Some other remedies to remove sun tan from skin:

Remedy #5: Curd and Honey:

Curd acts as an exfoliator on skin and honey is loaded with its antioxidant properties. Applying the paste of curd and honey is a very effective way to get rid of sun tan from your skin. Take curd in a bowl and add some honey to it. Now mix it to make a paste and apply it on tanned areas.

Remedy #6: Cucumber and lemon:

Cucumber and lemon can make a great homemade and natural tan removal pack. Just mix cucumber juice, lemon juice, and rose water to make a paste and apply it to your tanned skin. You can also apply cool slices of cucumber directly to tanned areas. 

How to remove sun tan from face, hands and legs:

How to remove sun tan from hands

Now here I am going to tell you How to prepare a tan removal brightening and moisturizing mask at home to remove tan from hands and legs. You can apply this mask on your hands and legs to remove sun tan and moisturize them.

Home Remedy #7:


i. Gram Flour
ii. Curd
iii. Honey
iv. Lemon
v. Turmeric

How to make:

First of all, take 1 tablespoon gram flour (besan) in a bowl. Now add 1 tablespoon of curd and 1 tablespoon of honey. Then squeeze one lemon into it and then add a pinch of turmeric. Mix it well. This pack should not be too thick or too thin.

How to apply:

Apply this mask to your tanned hands and legs. When you apply this on your legs, you can also apply it on your feet. After applying it properly to the tanned area, wait for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes wash your hands and legs with normal water. This pack is suitable for all skin types and it is suitable for both men and women. You can apply this mask daily or on alternate days. (View Homapage)

Some other remedies to remove sun tan from Hands:

Remedy #8: Almonds:

You can use almonds as suntan removal by following very simple steps. Soak the almonds overnight; blend them with milk to make a smooth paste. Now apply this paste on tanned areas to remove sun tan from hands. Keep it for some time and then wash it with normal water. You can use this remedy daily for two weeks.

Remedy #9: Potato:

Potato helps to remove suntan and brighten the skin tone. There is no need to mix it with anything, just take two or three potatoes and blend them to make a thick paste. Now apply the paste to your tanned hands. You can also cut a potato in half and rub it directly on the affected area.

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