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Sulfate-Free Products

Sulfate Free

What are Sulfates?

Hanoor Sulfate-free Products

Sulfates are surfactants that are used for lathering in soaps and shampoos. The role of sulfate is to create foam or lather to remove dirt and oil. Sulfate-free products are widely used in shampoo, soap, body wash, face cleanser, toothpaste, and detergents. There are more the 100 different varieties of sulfates – some are synthetic, while some others are obtained from natural sources like palm oil and coconut. Some of them are also derived from sulfur and petroleum-based products. The most commonly used sulfate in personal care products is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth sulfate.

Sulfates in Soaps and Cleansers:

Now the biggest harm of sulfates is that when it is in large quantity in any product, it results in tingling, itching, and redness of the skin. Also, it can be drying and irritating on the skin. Many people found that regular use of such products leads to more acne and various other skin issues. It causes various levels of skin and eye irritation.

Why you should go for sulfate-free products soaps and cleansers:

If your skin is sensitive then sulfate can cause various skin issues and allergies on your skin. So you must go for sulfate-free soaps and body cleansers if your skin is sensitive. Not only for sensitive skin, for other skin types also sulfate-free products are good. It reduces irritation on the skin and helps to retain natural oils of the skin. And the most important benefit of choosing sulfate-free products is that it is good for the environment.

Here is the list of Sulfate-free Products

Sulfates in Toothpaste:

Sulfate-Free ToothpasteSome people thought that if their toothpaste creates more foam, it means it is more effective. But the truth is, foam is not compulsory for toothpaste to be effective. The fact is more foam means more sulfate and sulfate can be very harmful to your mouth.

Sulfate may result in irritation and allergic reactions in your mouth. Generally, it is better to choose sulfate-free toothpaste to prevent allergies and side effects.

Why you should go for sulfate-free toothpaste:

We use our toothpaste twice a day 365 days a year. And putting a chemical daily in your mouth is harmful. By switching to sulfate-free toothpaste you can reduce your chemical exposure. Also if you have sensitive teeth, sulfate-free products like toothpaste can help you to reduce the sensitivity pain. And the most common reason for choosing sulfate-free toothpaste is that it is beneficial for our environment.

Sulfates in Shampoo:

Sulfate Free Shampoo

When it comes to hair products, sulfates are a very effective and efficient cleanser. But the problem is that they pull a lot of natural oil from the hairs and your hairs feel rough, dry, and brittle. It may also cause dryness and irritation on your scalp. There is a misconception that sulfates only harm colored hairs but the reality is it is very harmful to your hairs as well as for your skin.

Why you should choose a sulfate-free shampoo for your hairs:

The most important reason that you should go for sulfate-free shampoo is that sulfate absorbs natural oils from your hairs. The benefit of using sulfate-free shampoo is that you will not lose the natural oils of your hairs. The use of shampoo that contains sulfate may result in dry and weak hairs. But instead of using sulfates, using natural ingredients will give you long and strong hairs.

Sulfate-free Products by Hanoor:

All the products by Hanoor are 100% natural and sulfate-free. Our products contain only natural and healthy ingredients. There is no use of sulfates or harmful chemicals in our products. Sulfate-free products not only beneficial for your health but also good for the environment. We always recommend our readers to use natural and healthy products. 

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