
Want to get back those good hair days? 5 Things you should avoid from today

Good Hair

Rehashing the past when you could flaunt your thick, lustrous-looking good hair without using chemical products? 

It’s pretty mind-boggling. 

We know that you’re on the right page to get back your good hair days, but the thing is that you need to eliminate some habits. In turn, it will help you bring back those healthier hair days. 

Fear not; just cutting off the following things will help to get that shine and strong good hair gradually. 

1. Over conditioning your roots 

You may be using the conditioner in the wrong way. A hair conditioner is used for hydrating the end and middle parts of your hair. The conditioner contains nutrients that can weigh down the roots of the hair. Using conditioner at the ends of your hair is the most beneficial. As the ends of your hair are the oldest part of your hair, it’s much more prone to damage. 

Conversely, roots are the newest part of our hair and get moisturized from oils, wondered why your hair goes flat in the morning? It may be over conditioning your hair. 

2. Say “no “to regular trims. 

If you want healthy hair, don’t go for regular trims. Trimming your hair every seven to eight weeks is a healthy practice, and it would help keep your hair in good shape. Irrespective of your hair size, it is long, short, or growing out hair – this one size will fit all. Maintaining the same may help lessen the damage of spilled ends, over-processed hair, and frizz. 

3. Don’t wash your hair with hot water. 

After a long tiring day, you would love a hot and steamy shower. However, it has some adverse effects on your hair. It could dry out your hair by stripping out the moisture and natural oils and leading the same to brittle. Instead, you can use lukewarm water while using shampoo and conditioner. Once done, you can finish the same with a cold rinse to lock the moisture. 

4. Refrain yourself from overhandling your hair 

Are you repeatedly touching your hair? You need to stop the same from today. According to the experts, brushing your hair once or twice would do the best as all the care and attention it needs. While brushing your hair, it spreads the natural oils on the scalp. It has advantages like removing the oil from the scalp and nourishing the hair strands. However, over brushing makes it greasy and rough. 

Good Hair

5. Stop using heat tools. 

We know it’s not regular, but the occasional things can also damage the hair. The heat from the tools can damage the hair cuticles by making the hair dry and rough, and it would be prone to breakage and split ends. Eventually, it draws moisture from the hair strands, making them frizzier. 

While using heating tools, do the same by using the lowest setting. Additionally, don’t use the same on wet hair. Always use a heat protectant while using this style of protectant tool. 


Your hair enhances the beauty, and we know that you don’t want to miss a chance to flaunt the same. Paying attention to the above mentioned points would set the stage for healthier and shinier good hair. Isn’t that great? 

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